Find Out Why You’re Not Getting Clients From Your Website…
…And what to do about it.
I’ve got one more short message for you so please, Click the arrow below to listen.
Contact Me (Dawud) Today!
What is my website supposed to be doing for you?
Now think about the answer for just a moment and answer the next question:
‘Is my website doing what it’s supposed to be doing?’
If you’re like most coaches, healers and other service providers your answer will be a ‘BIG NO!’ So you either spend a bunch of time and money teleclasses, webinars and books to figure out what you’re doing wrong. Or worse, you concede that your website isn’t really all that useful to getting more clients – so you abandon it.
But if your website isn’t doing what it supposed to be doing it’s not your fault!
It’s likely that no one has ever shown you how to make your website better.
Your web designer likely didn’t – they seldom know anything about business or marketing.
- Your business coach probably doesn’t – they either are in the same boat as you or have no idea why their website is successful in the first place.
- Your marketing or copy writing coach isn’t either – sure, they can help you write well but that’s only one part of having a good website.
- And your peers – well, they’re probably struggling with the same problems you are.
So what you need is someone to tell how to improve your website!
You want someone who understands marketing and copy writing but also knows web design and business. Someone who can look at your website from a number of perspectives – your business, your potential clients, social media, search engines, etc. Someone with the background, experience and know-how to make your website work for you.
And someone who can explain it to you in every day language you can understand.
That’s my job. And that’s why I can do a Website Improvement Report for you.
What’s Involved in Your Website Improvement Report?
It’s really simple. You answer a few simple questions, give me your website address and I do the rest. There’s little for you to do, no techie stuff to learn and no overwhelm you have to deal with. Just turn me loose and I’ll review and evaluate your website. When I’m finished you get a simple, easy-to-understand video report that not only explains but shows you the problem areas and illustrates how to fix them.
A Video Report?
Ah, glad you caught that. Sure, there’s a bit of written material I’ll give you. But the bulk of the Website Improvement Report is a a set of videos (screencasts, really) I record of me reviewing your site and making specific suggestions for how to improve it. It’s like looking over my shoulder while we talk about your website.
Here’s a short clip from a Improvement Report I did recently:
Your Website Improvement Report will include
- Quick tips for improving your website (“low hanging fruit”)
- Obvious mistakes such as content mishaps, typing mistakes and broken links(really important)
- Answers to your questions about your website and how to make it work better for you
- Suggestions on how to make significant changes to your website, to make it more effective
- Information about what is already working well
- Explanations on why to make the changes
- Suggestions on how to use keywords and social media more effectively
- Feedback on your overall design, visual layout and site navigation
- And anything else that you specifically ask me to review
And…You get more than just the Website Improvement Report.
You also time to chat with me about it.
After I complete your Website Improvement Report we’ll schedule a 30 minute phone session to discuss my findings and make sure you get every one of your questions answered.
So not only do you get a comprehensive report on how to make your website better. You also get time to discuss it with me. That way you’ll know exactly what to do next.
I know this whole website thing can be overwhelming. Don’t let it be! Let me help you.
Keep in mind, I do all the difficult stuff for you. I tell you exactly what needs to be fixed on your website so it can work for you. I won’t leave you hanging. You’ll know exactly what changes to make so that your website will work for you. And if you’re already using WordPress, it’s pretty likely you can make many of the changes yourself (with a little help, if you’d like it).
So what’s included:
- A comprehensive video explaining exactly what’s needing some attention on your site.
- Then, you’ll have a full 30 minutes to talk with me, one-on-one (included in the price).
How to get started
The cost to prepare your Website Improvement Report is $350.
Questions? Want to know if this is right for you?
Give me a call at 303/478-4090 or email me