I’ve been noticing two problems with my blog the past month or so. One, the load times would often be slower than I would expect. I tried making design tweaks and changing plugins. No change. So I turned to my host and asked them about my database server. Sure enough, I was told that the server was having problems.
Over the weekend, they moved me to another DB server. I’ve noticed a pretty big speed increase. Hopefully you will too.
The second problem was my blog would sometime be unable to reach the database. That, too, was caused by the old DB server and should now be fixed.
My host assures me that everything is fixed and running smooth now. I’d love your feedback if you experience any problems or if you notice better performance from you blog.
Your site is loading almost instantly in my browser. Congrats on optimizing it 🙂
That’s great to hear. Thank you – both your reading my blog and for letting me know the changes worked.
You’re welcome. I enjoy your blog, tho I just stumbled across it today 🙂 You have a new rss subscriber now !
Great. Thanks. Let me know – at any time – how I’m doing with my content.