I just completed a new static site at The Campaign for You. Matt Hugg and I worked together to plan, develop and create a site that would easily and clearly market his many offers. For instance, you’ll see on the homepage that we highlighted his ebook, The Complete Campaign for You Workbook.
Ease of use for his visitors was a key to the design. No page or service is more than 1 click away from another. His ability to self-manage his content was a vital and necessary part of our project. I used Adobe Contribute as the platform for content management basically because of its ease of use.
Matt, by the way, is a career coach. While he focuses on the non-profit world, his knowledge, tools and materials are applicable in any job/career setting. Matt’s concept of The Campaign for You is in teaching you how to treat your own career and job search as a campaign, ultimately finding the ‘job you love with the organization you want’.
Beautiful site Dawud – congrats to you both!
I particularly like the organization of the navigation bars. Hmmm…it’s got me thinking…..
Thanks. We’ll have to talk.
Nice job on that web site!! I love the clean graphics and very easy navigation. Content is clear and compelling. Clever email sign up.
Only surprise to me was the free downloads didn’t require an email address. And they were’t downloads at all, just a PDF link. Two good things for the reader, but maybe it was set up that way because I had already signed up for the other thing to be emailed to me.
I like the straightforward way you highlighted it on your blog too…
Thanks so much for your kind words. Matt and I had a lot of fun working on his site.
The free downloads section is meant to be an open giveaway for people to learn more about how Matt can help them. I have talked with him about making sure that appropriate calls to action & contact info are included in each PDF. Doesn’t sound like he’s done that yet. Which is fine, because he’s able to fully manage his own site.
I like design as well! It has a nice classic look that’s clean and professional 🙂
Very user friendly site! I had not heard of using Adobe Contribute for content management. The site has nice professional “look and feel” without the overly rigid structure of some of the other content management platforms.
It looks classic to me, and the content are too tight to the background at least expand it a little bit so it doesn’t looked tight
My 2 cents..