Blogs don’t become successful on their own. They need help.
I can say without a doubt that my blogging success is directly related the links other bloggers have tossed me. Thanks to all of you, by the way.
So, here are some bloggers I know. Many are beginning their blogs. Some may interest you. The most developed blog (and the most interesting to me at least) is Dave Schoof’s Engaging the Disquiet in Men. Have a look.
And check out these other blogs. Something here might interest you.
-’s Irresisti-Blog (blog appears to be down)
Barry Morris – Helping copywriters become irresistible - Blog: Business Heart
Mark Silver – Can you heart it beating?…When you want to make a difference and need to make a profit. - Breathing Space Home & Office Organizing
Joanna Rueter – Creating space for who you are and what you do - Conscious Cooperation
Stuart Baker – how the decision to cooperate can drastically improve working communication and results in the construction industry and beyond. - Engaging the Disquiet in Men
Dave Schoof – Helping men who feel something missing in their lives - Inquiry365
Mona Grayson blogs for Daily Inquiry - Mindfulness Maverick
Jason Stein – Working Mindfulness with A Twist - Synaptus Insights
Dennis Stevens – Bridging the Gap Between Strategy and Performance - Your Ideal Customer
Elisa H. Gillispie – Clarity, Relationships and Results
Hey Dawud – thanks for the mention! I enjoyed visiting the other sites.
I tried to be a good neighbor and leave comments where I could, but found it challenging in places. Synaptus Insights had the spam-code thingy that wouldn’t accept what I typed in (I hate those things!)so I never could post there. Mark’s didn’t accept comments (you had to log in?), and Barry’s link either didn’t work or it was offline. Oh well….
You’re certainly welcome. I did, afterall, build your site and blog.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I just checked Barry’s blog and it appears to be down. And Mark is still figuring out how a blog fits with his business.
I got your comment and have accepted it. I am fixing a problem with domain mapping versus domain forwarding that is preventing comments from being available. I hope to fix it tonight. By the way, I really enjoyed your blog when I visited.
Thanks for the notice. I enjoy your blog and hope to learn alot about how to make the web work for my business during the experience with you.
Great to see you here. Thanks for your comment. I’ll take a look at your post when it’s up. God speed to you.
Hey Dawud,
I feel a bit nostalgic seeing your list. 🙂 Thanks for sharing it. I still remember half of these bloggers, and some are not familiar but I’m surely going to check them out.
I like what you said. Bloggers do need other bloggers in order to be a success, whether it be a backlink or a guestpost or a share, they need each other to survive and expand their networks.