with my blog.
I spent a bit of time over the night upgrading to WordPress 2.2 (from 2.0.3). I’m already loving the upgrade. Why?
- The speed optimizations. This version is really quite faster than the previous one I was using – both on the browser side and admin.
- I love being able to scan back through all my comments (previous version only allowed me to see last 20 comments)
- I like the admin tab enhancements. It’s great that Comments now has its own tab.
- It’s great to be able to deactivate all plugins at once.
- Did I mention it’s faster?
I’m quite happy with the upgrade. I have a couple of small hiccups and found a plugin that I couldn’t get to work. Luckily it was a minor plugin. Otherwise, no problems with the upgrade.
And I know that with all computer upgrades there could be some hiccups. So, please, if you find anything that’s not functioning correctly on my site, would you let me know in the comment box?
Thanks, in advance.
And if you’re the do-it-yourselfer, there’s a number of tutorials on how to make the jump to 2.2, including in the WordPress Codex. And if you’re using version 2.1.x, this is considered a mandatory upgrade.
Congrats on the smooth update. Thanks for the link love! 😀
Isn’t it possible to upgrade just by using Fantastico or is there some risk with doing that?
I’ve upgraded manually before but I have quite a few blogs now and would prefer to use Fantastico if it works.
Have you tried to upgrade this way?
Thanks for the link. Even after upgrading, I’m still getting occassional memory exhausted errors – am I the only one?
Thanks. And you’re welcome.
My host has it’s own updating method, still one click, but different then Fantastico. Works fine usually. Except, I changed domain names and that broke their auto updating system.
Updating manually is not difficult. Just takes a bit more time. But the extra time means that I got to backup my plugin/uploads/theme folders. The difficulty came in the plugins I’m using.
Kian Ann,
I’ll definitely let you know if I run into that. Is it something in WordPress or server-related?
Well, I have no idea. Its the same “memory exhausted” error I get when I upgraded. It never happened in the past even though I used to have more plugins!
I guess something in WP2.2 has to be fixed. Shall wait eagerly for the next version 🙂
Kian Ann,
I’ll definitely let you know if I have any issues with it. And I can always contact Lorelle VanFossen and see what she knows.
I tried commenting about web hosting providers last night, but your site didn’t let me post it. So I wrote an e-mail instead. I assume you were updating when I wrote.
I’ve been wondering about when to update to 2.2. Thanks for the nudge and the encouragement.
I just finished my upgrade a few minutes ago, and everything seems to be working fine.
(no apostrophe problems, and all plug-ins seems to be just fine)
I have a personal blog that Fantastico is hooked into, and that upgrade took about three seconds. I did my main site manually, because of a tweak we did that took it off Fantastico.
Both seemed to go pretty smoothly, though. Thanks for the time on that wp-db-backup plugin, too.
One bonus of doing things like this is that it increases my familiarity and confidence in dealing with the “back-room”, technical stuff.
I also updated last night. The only problem I had was that all of my posts with apostrophes got extra characters in them and after the last letter at the end of each paragraph.I am still working on getting all of them corrected.
Writing a new post is improved though.
I used Fantastico.
I had checked Fantastico at HostMonster a week or so ago, and it didn’t have the upgrade to 2.2 yet. It was there this afternoon, and it only took a couple of seconds to upgrade. As far as I can tell, everything is working fine.
You happened to leave the comment while I was working on the update. Talk about timing…
Knowing where you are with your blog – just starting out – I would update as soon as you can.
I’ve read about this error. Check the WordPress forum and see if anyone knows the fix. I can’t rememeber the details, myself, but I have seen it.
That’s great. Happy to hear it went easy. I’m really liking 2.2 myself.
My sidebar widget had a fatal error. All I had to do was go into my file manager and delete the PHP Sidebar file since 2.2 has sidebar widget as part of core. All of my sidebar settings were still there.
I am still working my way through the punctuation abnormality.
Yeah, I know. I tried to post a comment on your blog and got an error.
I agree with you on increasing confidence. I also made the point when we spoke earlier about it giving me an excuse to have a backup of my customized folders (wp-content) and files (.htaccess & wp-config.php) on my hard drive. Always good to have backups.
Makes total sense. Let me know when you solve the punctuation error. And I’ll keep an eye for the solution I found a while back as well.