While I don’t usually cover social issues on my blog, I do care about them.
And with so many people today talking about global warming, I thought it important to touch on a subject that affects each of us who spend our days in front of the computer. Bloggers, business owners, web and graphics designers – all of us can take something of value from this video…
And, it’s hilarious…
Please, don’t thank me for the public service announcement. Just doing my job as a steward for humanity.
But really, this video could open a whole interesting discussion, huh? Let’s just see where it goes…
Thank you Dawud. I am much wiser and shall spread the word around. After all, we must all do our little bit for addressing the problems of global and local warming
That is, if I am able to recover from this unmanageable laughing fit that I am attacked with every time I think about the presentation.
May TED live long!
Think globally, act locally! I am going to get in the shower right now and take action!
ROFLMAO!!!! Thanks for bringing me a smile today!
Thanks to you, I now have a whole new appreciation for the TED talks!
Very Funny!
I remember seeing that shaving promo when I first started learning about new media. I showed it as an example to our execs and they all stared at me with blank faces. 🙂
Another issue that we bloggers need to address is the rising epidemic known as “140 Character Conversations”.
Just the other day one of my co-workers engaged me in small talk and I struggled to understand what she was saying or how to communicate with her. Thanks to twitter, IM, text messaging, and yes, even blogging, I have completely forgotten how to carry on a person-person conversation.
I keep limiting my sentences to 140 characters.
Dawud, very funny video! good to watch on a Saturday afternoon 🙂
Home Recording,
I hear you. I watched it four times in a row because I just couldn’t stop laughing. Love that type of intelligent humor.
I have too…
I love TED Talks, for the most part.
And now you have me laughing….cause it’s true. I forget too. It’s too easy to have conversations in person.
And, long live Twitter!!
Thanks for the stumble. But did you heed the advice?
Thats so nice. I love this video 🙂
Thank you for sharing it
Love TED – am always amazed at what you can find there. thanks for sharing.
I am, as we speak, blogging in 4 inch heels and fishnet hose… Just in case anyone has a local warming issue!
I’m in a globally local outfit,with a green tie to match.lol Its do appreciate the message..Fun too!!
TripTheLady, lucky, Sarah,
Thanks. I still laugh watching it this morning.
Just glad to know you’re not a man.
Size 16,
Don’t we sometimes take things a bit too far?
Thanks very good and funny
Very funny video – I have stumbled this also.
I like “Think Globally, act Locally” Slogan.
This little sentence have a big story behind.
Interesting post.
LOL! Seriously funny stuff =) Kinda refreshing joke for my lousy day. Thanks and cheers.
ROFL! That was hilarious. I’ll remember that every time I use the laptop. Thanks for the new meaning of “Think globally, Act locally.” Can’t stop laughing every time I think a about “local warming.” Thanks.
Thanks for that, good one: funny and thought provoking
OMG!!!it’s funny…the speaker are serious but i don’t think people take it seriously because the material is so funny!!!! ;D
Huhuhu!! So funny! Nice video and make my day cheers and colourful… 🙂
HAHAHA !! this is good stuff !! I can’t stop laughing at those so-called “facts”
I just watched this again this morning and I still find it funny.
Hahaha… That’s so funny 😀 Thanks for sharing mate, it made my life more cheerful 🙂
Perhaps this is the most funny thing i have seen after seeing a few funny commercials. Thanks for sharing.
nice.. very serious research you have..
Funny and creative video. Let’s spend 2009 laughing more.
best way to live life is to be simple and be open book to others. just like that i love my room, good color on wall, chair for sitting in room, dinning table, etc which are needed in our daily life are only my preference.
Local warming facilitates the insertion of peripheral venous cannulas, reducing both time and number of attempts required…
It should also be noted that heated air rising from the chipset heat sink is also being displaced…
I came across this while looking for information about local environment changes and recent heat spikes. I watched the video and was pleasantly surprised, it’s quite funny and made my day. Thanks for posting this.