There are a number of questions I get asked often by my clients about developing and growing their business using their websites.
But I’d say one question is asked more than any other – “how do I get (more) traffic to my website?”
Since I seem to seldom lack for ideas, I thought I’d start writing them down. Next thing I knew I had a list of nearly 100 ways to drive traffic to your website. Since all of these are things I’ve done at one time or another I knew they worked.
But I didn’t stop there. I started brainstorming even more ways to drive traffic. Then I had a few close colleagues take a look at my list and they added a few. Now the list is over 180 viable methods for driving traffic to your website.
So what do I do with this, I thought?
First thing I did was start crafting a blog post so I could share it with everyone. And the post was almost finished until I realized just giving away my hard work diluted its value. Think about how many lists about anything you just read and toss. Yet I want people to get real help with their businesses and websites. So it helps neither of us to just add this to the stacks of useless lists forgotten in the soup of the internet.
So I’ve decided to turn my traffic driving 53-page booklet into a teleclass – 97 147 220 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website.
What’s great about this format is that I can provide a booklet explaining all 240 (yeah, that’s right, there’s even more) my website traffic generating ideas AND make myself available to answer questions about how to use them. So that’s what we’re going to do.
Next Tuesday, November 25th (second showing – Tuesday, December 16) at 3pm I’ll lead a 60 minute teleclass for you that covers (some of) the materials in my 53-page booklet, 97 147 220 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website. Half the call I’ll speak on some of my most successful tips in the booklet and briefly on topics like qualifying traffic and tracking traffic sources. Then, the second half of the call is yours to ask me any questions you like about any of the methods I list in the booklet.
Let me be clear here, the 97 147 220 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website booklet is not just a list. I’ve included some tips in the beginning and have tips and commentary on every single traffic generation technique I cover. And you get to keep the booklet. And I’m also making available the mindmaps I used to create the course.
Also, I’ll be recording the call and forwarding the a link to the recording so you can download it. So can’t make the live teleclass order anyhow and you’ll receive the booklet, the mindmaps and the full 60-minute audio.
So let’s go over the details one more time:
- My 53 page booklet 220 Ways to Get More Traffic to Your Website & Increase Your Business, with tips and commentary for each method.
- A Series of Mindmaps summarizing each of the traffic driving methods – use as a resource when deciding which methods to use. I used these mindmaps in developing the course materials.
- A 60-minute LIVE teleclass with me, talking about how to find the right traffic for your business.
- Time for you to get your specific questions answered. There will be ample time to take your specific questions. And since conversation often leads to the most interesting teaching, the more questions, the merrier.
- I’ll record the teleclass and send you a link to download it in full.
- Click here to ORDER NOW!
There was so much in the booklet that when I got it before the class, I was overwhelmed. But your calm voice and simple explanations took me from overwhelm to excitement. Can’t wait to launch my website.
– Gillian McDowell: Vancouver, BC
Here’s the details:
- Teleclass will be Wednesday, July 1 at 1pm eastern / 10am pacific U.S. time I’m making this available for a limited time
- There are ONLY 60 50 COPIES of this course available
- The cost is $97 SPECIAL SUMMER PRICE $69!
- Click here to ORDER NOW!
Now there’s two things left to do:
- First, order your copy now.
- Second, tell 5 people who need to get more traffic to their websites. Send them an email, make a phone call, text message them, Tweet about it on Twitter, Write a blog post – however you can reach the people you want to help.
(note: image from masochismtango on Flickr, some rights reserved)
Sounds like a great idea.
I know you wont be releasing this as a product. Will you release the booklet some time in the future by itself?
When is the end date for registration? I would like to know how many days I have before I make the decision. Sounds great.
Awesome write up, this is the perfect time to start learning about this kind of thing considering the current financial status! Growing your company on the web is the way forward!
Not likely, at least anytime in the foreseeable future. I have other plans for it that I’m keeping under wraps for now. Sorry, I can’t be more open about them.
Business Minder,
No end date, just when the class fills. And if it doesn’t fill you can signup until Tues morning.
What would you like to learn about growing your business? Key point here is I said ‘grow your business’ not ‘grow your business on the web.’ It’s bigger than just the web.
Hi Dawud, thanks for this useful article, I everyday I try to drive more traffic to my site, and it always takes too much time, so now I am going to register.
I really like to register but I guess I’m too late already. Just found your website minutes ago. Maybe next time.
Very helpful idea we also wanted to know ways but it’s difficult to keep all in mind but to be tried. If it’s possible to bring in market then it will be more better for site promoter.
Dawud, the Teleclass sounds like a great idea to all the online entreprenuers. I will try to spread the words for you and hope there will be more people that join your teleclass!
awesome post, it would be great if you can arrange that telecast on your post. so late comers also can enhance their knowledge through your innovative ideas.
hello, is there gonna be a way in the future to acces that booklet?
Sound very interesting.
I can’t make it to the teleclass, so it would be great to be able to put my hands on that.
Thanks for guidelines which you had provided for the increase of traffic for the website.Generally I too had the same question to improve the traffic to my own website.Good info.
Interesting subject … sounds like i miss the deadline though !
All the best, Ann
awsome posts, looking forward to this !
I think I missed this tele session. The topic looks interesting and would be interested in attending the session.
do you plan to have a similar session in near future?
Unfortunately I missed the deadline as well. So I’d really love to hear some voices of the people who participated, in order to figure out whether they’d classify the 97$ invest as a profitable one.
sounds great, hope it goes well for you
Will this be offered again in the future? I came across this too late :/
damn i missed it
hope it went well for u . . . .
The post was wonderful , But the deadline was missed. thanks for sharing
I hope to hear something unique about your product. I have known powerful methods of driving traffic to a website e.g seo, rss, social media, articles marketing, viral marketing, blogging, email marketing and many more…..However, I will be more interested that if these aspect of driving traffic as an integrated system will be included in your upcoming product
Hope to hear you,
Traffic Expert
Wow.. Really excellent post.. unfortunately I too missed the oppurtunity bcoz the deadline was missed
You are wonderful and I will be back!
What a great idea to turn your hard work into some easy cash. By “easy” I don’t mean that it is not worth it or that you didn’t put in a lot of effort but mere that you’ll find tons of bloggers offering similar lists and guide for free. What they don’t offer (obviously) will be the live Q&A which in it self can easily pay for the entire class if you use what is being taught.
I really enjoyed the teleclass, and wanted to tell you how great it was to literally “join the conversation”, just like you always say! I was trying to think of a way to be part of a group of like-minded folks with one of my info blogs – I joined a vintage camper group on the Yahoo Groups site, and have really enjoyed it! I’m following the conversations in the group, which post regularly, and I’ve posted info on two upcoming vintage trailer rally’s in Indiana and Tennessee on my own website, that are sponsored by some of the members of the vintage camper group. So I’ve found a fun way to join a community of people, and use my website to add value to the conversations already going on! So thanks, your coaching to join the conversation has helped lead me in a useful and pleasant direction! (Now if I could just tangle with the coding issues we discussed! : – ) It would be great if you could offer a mini – series of this type of bridge telephone meetings. The 1 1/2 hour mid day was kind of tough to schedule. If you had a weekly meeting that had a specific group that was subscribed, then we could enjoy following up with our peers. I’d subscribe to the 2nd Tuesday of each month noon meeting, for example! (And only 3/4 hour long.)
Hey This is really interesting post. You have given good idea but I missed the deadline.
I missed it an if the next I will catch Maybe buy
Very Great post, New Idea to turn your experience into earn extra money, Please keep up this great work
You do good work, I’ve seen some of it.
Too bad I missed the deadline.
I am glad I found this post while using google. It gave me the information I needed.
It’s a complete guidelines that we should learn. Great work.
do you accepted other countries ?
Drive more traffic to your website. Nice information. The Keysearch Analytics blog has tips, tricks, advice and case studies for the search marketing industry.
A great idea…all of the information packed into one class. I LIKE IT!
Everybody is trying to drive great traffic to their sites. Good info.
Providing good info has to be the best way to drive traffic to your site, if your information is useful people will more readily link to it.
Great work! Driving traffic is getting more and more difficult as the search engines change how they are indexing and identifying trends via their universal search indicators.
I believe “How do I make money with a blog” is more common than when people ask about traffic. When you tell them blogging to make money takes a lot of hard work, they tend to run away.
Is there is any chance or possiblity for other countries.
Missed it… seems like it was a good offer. Traffic is getting more and more difficult to get these days :/
Hey Dawud, excuse my ignorance, but what does teleclass mean? 🙂 Anyway keep up the great work!
Thanks again Dawud, I enjoyed the teleseminar!
Good info. Thanks a lot. Driving traffic to a website is a very difficult thing but with your suggestion will be more easy. Thanks a lot!
the best way I use is google organic traffic thanks for taking time to discuss traffic
We’re all reading this probably because we want to drive more traffic to our web sites so its great that the information your offering is being consolidated into a Class and booklet if I’ve read correctly.
Nice and interesting article, thanks for sharing. Please keep on blogging, I am looking forward to read your next well written article.
Best regards.
The thing is, I’d prefer targeted traffic that is not spammed for or sort of rick rolling people into your site. Google is the best way, and with a little SEO you can make it work. This would be a help if you just want traffic, I prefer quality traffic though.
I think that this is interesting and a great offer and the price is great. In any case, I will sign and I will send e-mail people that this is necessary. I like this offer because any method of explaining and getting advice.
Good idea to make a Teleclass, you’ll be able to go way more indepth than if you just made a booklet. I was recently trying to find ways to drive traffic to my site as well.
Its hard to find valuable information on the web but your blog is definitely an exception to the rule. Nice work! Two thumbs up!!!
Interesting tutorial on gathering traffic, article writing is another along side with intelligent blog commenting and such. SEO and a clean simple look to your page is another big plus!
indeed,you are right. you just gave me an is start of learning about this kind of thing considering the financial status, nowadays! putting your company in net is a great deal.
Your ebook Rocks!!! My stats are going through the roof!
Nowadays we have so many opportunities to increase the website traffic. And it is essential to think about that as well. There is much more competion in the web.
It’s great that you keep track of the number growth as this goes on. SEO is a constantly evolving beast that takes constant wrangling to tame.
A definitely nice topic to be discuss. It really helps me a lot doing my research with the said topic. Keep posting for more informative and great ideas on this topic.
Really good idea and the tips were fantastic. There are a lot of things people can do to drive traffic to their site, but just remember that at the end of the day content is still king, always make sure your content is correct and interesting to keep people on your site.