As part of Thursday Thirteen, Char from Essential Keystrokes has listed her 13 favorite WordPress Resources. Since she’s listed a number of my own favorites, I thought it would be great to share them with you.
- Lorelle on WordPress – If I need anything related to WP, I go to Lorelle’s site first. It is such a comprehensive resource. (Bookmark it NOW)
- WordPress Codex – The second place I go when I need a question answered.
- Problogger’s WordPress Resources
- Alex King – I’m loving the Most Popular plugin (I have it running at CasualKeystrokes and it will be here soon)
- cre8d design
- Lisa Sabin-Wilson – her upcoming book WordPress for Dummies is sure to be a must have resource
- WASABI WP Plugins
- – the huge sortable database of free WP themes
- WP Designer – themes and support forums
- Brian Gardner – more beautiful themes
- Kaushel Sheth – and more great themes
- ThemesBase – more themes and support forum
- WordPress Station – a WP blog about WP
I used 1-3 regularly. And Alex King is a great resource for anything WordPress.
There are a few other resources I either use regularly or have found to be helpful for my clients:
- – Home to everything WordPress.
- WordPress Plugins – Finally a plugin directory on Good initial place to search for plugins – growing quickly.
- Weblog Tools Collection – Daily updates of new themes and plugins. I read feed daily.
- BloggingPro – Up-to-Date news about many things WordPress.
- The WordPress Podcast – WordPress Community Podcast. Nice listens. Most recent podcast covers WordPress 2.2 delay and how tagging figures into future updates.
- 7 Essential WordPress Hacks – Tubetorial’s 7-part video how-to series. Well-done, easy to follow.
- WordPress on YouTube – Over 11,000 More than 500 video clips related to using WordPress. Need to know how to do something, likely find it there. (updated)
So there’s a few more helpful WordPress Resources. You can find a ton of WordPress sites so if you have anything to add, please let me know.
Excellent resourcing Dawud. I’ll be coming back to this for sure.
Great resources.
Thanks for the mention and giving me some new tools as well.
Thank you for the vote of confidence.
All excellent resources, Dawud – thank for the mention on my book – it’s due to be out this summer. Cheers!
Thanks. I had fun putting this together. I hide a bit the fact that I’m a WordPress Evangelist. I just really love it.
Sure. It was you post that sparked my idea. I saw you listed some great resources – some I use often as well. Then I thought, “what a great opportunity to share my own WordPress resources.” So thanks, Char.
Absolutely. Your blog is amazing. I’ve been using WordPress for clients long before I began blogging and have used your site as a major resource. So really, thank you.
I’ll be great to meet you this weekend at SOBCon.
You’re certainly welcome. I look forward to seeing your book. I’m a huge WordPress fan. Thanks for stopping by.
Nice list.
Alot of them are new to me, gonna help
Thanks. I’m glad to help out.
Do you have a favorite WordPress resource that’s not on here?
I hope SOBcon is great, Dawud.
I’m envious of the blogger meets in the US.
Oh, and great list of resources too!
There are some technical difficulties experiences over at since I did away with my /blog directory. I hope it hasn’t messed with you receiving my feed.
Thanks. I wish you were able to be here. And I know it’s a long trip. Perhaps some other time.
I hope the resource list helps you in some way.
As for your feed…I’m getting it just fine as of this morning. I’ll let you know if it goes down for me.
Thanks Dawud,
That’s good to know about my feed.
Bye for now.
Sure, happy to help.
Here’s a link to David’s feed.
A helpful resource, Dawud. I am glad you have Lorelle’s site on the top as it is a must for every serious WordPress blogger.
Thanks Matt. I agree. I’m looking forward to meeting Lorelle this weekend.
May I suggest adding Automattic to the list? And here’s a new one
Good one. I’ll do it right now. Thanks.
Thanks for the guide Dawud.
Sure. I’ve been considering doing a plugin blog for WordPress. Just need to find the time.
Dawud, I’m catching up on my blog reading and found this post…what a terrific resource! Thanks for taking the time to compile and share it with all of us. You’re a generous spirit.
Thanks. I’m a closet WordPress evangelist, truthfully. I can probably drive people crazy taking about it….oops, I almost got started.
Tammy, just happy to see you. Please, hop back from time to time and join the conversation.
Hi.. cool blog.. I was wondering if you would consider allowing me to add your blog feed to my news section on my webmaster website . I realise that not all of your posts are strictly webmaster related but ive written a script to only show posts containing certain keywords so theres no need to worry. Anyway, like i said.. cool blog.. some interesting stuff.. thanks
Thanks. How about we talk by email to finalize things. I’m definitely open to it.
Hello all… nice blog.. I was wondering if you would be interested in a link exchange with my webmaster website Im really looking for blogs and sites related to webmastering and your blog fits the bill perfectly. If your interested you can contact me via the contact form on my site.
cheers 😛
You have to love wordpress for all of these tools we can use. Thanks for the useful list 🙂
I do really love WordPress.
I know this may be slightly off topic so please dont dismiss it as spam but my friend has just built a nice little forum where you can post and find link exchanges. The link exchange forum has only just started up but it has already caused quite a stir. Anyway check it out.. nice blog by the way 🙂
I know this may be slightly off topic so please dont dismiss it as spam but my friend has just built a nice little forum where you can post and find link exchanges. The
link exchange forum has only just started up but it has already caused quite a stir. Anyway check it out.. nice blog by the way 🙂
No worries. And if it’s a good link…thanks. However, your link didn’t get completed somehow. Repost it and I’ll update the URL.
How many times will you people post the same stuff in different ways.
Why not, with this chunk you go on to the frontpages of social bookmarking sites
Thanks for you thoughtful concern. Maybe some perspective would help…
First off, there’s lots of people moving to WordPress who don’t have access to valuable resources as readily. So why not make them more accessible?
Second, it’s possible that my readers haven’t seen all these resources before – nor how I use them. So why not make it available to them?
Third, and most important, I don’t care all too much about getting to the front page of social media sites. I know a handful of Propeller employees and Top Diggers and yet I rarely ask them to help me push a post to the front page on Digg. They could – easily. But I don’t ask. The reason, I much more interested in providing good content to people who need and want it. It sounds like for me that’s not you. Sorry about that. Yet I will keep writing for the audience that wants to gain from what I know.
As I mentioned to Char in her post, seeing that WP Station is still a useful resource only encourages me to get back to more regular postings. Thanks again for the mention.
i am fairly new to wordpress, this was a very interesting read, thanks for posting.
This read was very great and turned my point of view on health. Me and my buddies are healthy now!