You already know my experiences at SOBCon08 – at least those I could get down in a reasonable amount of time.
But aren’t you curious what others have been saying about it?
Well, I’ve done my best to compile all the posts I could find about the event. While extensive, this is likely not a complete listing. So if you have a post you’d like to add, please do so in the comment box and I’ll add it to the post below.
Did I read them all…no. But I did read most of them and commented on those I had something to add too. What always intrigues me most is that people often report more about their time getting to know someone then then they do the event content. Is there a little business secret tied up there? What do you think?
- Lorelle VanFossen on Blog Herald – Blogging is Not About You
- Lorelle VanFossen on Blog Herald – SOBCon08: A Conference Experienced in the Moments
- Joanna Young‘s Confident Writing – What I Learned From The Gifts I Received At SobCon08
- Joanna Young‘s Confident Writing – Chicago Pulse: Why The Windy City Was The Perfect Setting For SOBCon08
- Joanna Young‘s Confident Writing – Blog Writing Tips from 100 Successful Bloggers
- Joanna Young‘s Confident Writing – 10 Outstanding Definitions of Powerful Writing
- David Bullock – Business and Blogging: Trust, Community Building and Profits
- Terry Starbucker from Ramblings From a Glass Half Full – We’ve Got The Dreamers Disease, Reflections on SOBCon08
- Liz Strauss (THE Liz Strauss) – Meet Sia, the Heart of a Web Hosting Company
- Liz Strauss (THE Liz Strauss) – How do you Build an Incredible Experience
- Liz Strauss (THE Liz Strauss) – SuperTramp, Terry Starbucker and Chicago
- Liz Strauss (THE Liz Strauss) – SOBCon Influence According to BuzzLogic
- Liz Strauss (THE Liz Strauss) – Terry Starbucker Brings Sexy Back at SOBCon08
- Easton Ellsworth‘s Visionary Blogging – 139 Business and Blogging Improvement Tips from SOBCon08,
- Easton Ellsworth‘s Visionary Blogging – The SOBCon08 Step Forward Challenge
- Denise Wakeman of Biz Tips Blog and The Blog Squad – SOBCon08 Provided Great Insights to Social Networking
- Chris Garrett from – People of SOBCon08 (flickr)
- Chris Garrett from – SOBCon Report: Landed Home
- Chris Cree of SuccessCREEations – Down To Business At SOBCon08
- Brian Gardner, creator of Revolution WordPress Theme – Social Networking in Action
- Shashi Bellamkonda from Network Solutions – SOBCon08 – New Friends
- Jesse Peterson on Perfectly Peterson – Jesse’s SOBCon08 Takeaway
- Phil Gerbyshak of Make It Great – (Re)Connecting with Old Friends: Attitude Vitamin
- Zane Safrit – One great thing about social media
- Amy L from Earnest Parenting – What’s The Point of This Blog?
- Stephen Hopson from Adversity University – End of the Week Gratitude
- David Dalka – Remembering SOBCon08 – My House Guest Andrew Dubber
- John Gatrell from Spacially Relevant – SOBCon08: A Narrowcast Effort for Sponsors’ Brands
- Tammy Lenski of Conflict Zen – A Little Gift for the Weekend: Origami Crane
- J. Erik Potter – SOBCon08, Have We Met?
- Andrew Dubber – Postcard from Chicago – Blogger’s Beard
- Anita Bruzzese from 45 Things – Feeling Dumb May Be The Smartest Thing You’ve Ever Done
- Brad Shorr from WordSell, Inc. -A Question for SOBCon08 Attendees
- Matt Murphey from Matt’s Cuppa – Farewell SOBCon08
- Todd Jordan – Vong’s Thai Kitchen, SOBCon08 Dining Experience
- Chris Brogan – SOBCon08 Was Great
- Jared Goralnick from Technotheory – Why AwayFind? To Escape From Email (quick clip from SOBCon 2008)
- Sara from Suburban Oblivion – Suburban in the City
- Stephen Smith from Productivity in Context – Post Conference Productivity
- Stephen Smith from Productivity in Context – Oblique Strategy
- Derek Semmler from The Man Page – Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone
- Jen Knoedl – Liz Strauss’ Irresistable Offer
- Karen Hanrahan, Mother Earth herself – Thank You SOBCon08
- Michael Martine, the remarkablogger –76, 4, 58, 16, 12, 47: What Do These Numbers Mean?,
- Kristen King from Inkthinker – Can You State What You Do In Under 10 Words (or why I think my identity crisis may be ending)
- BuzzLogic’s Valerie Combs – The Top 25 Influential SOB’s
- Sonia Simone from Remarkable Communications – Monkeys and Bloggers and Tribes (oh my!)
- Derrick Sorles from Business Blogging Consultants – What is Social Media and Do I Need To Use It For My Business?
- Joe Hauckes from Working at Home on the Internet – My Take on SOBCon08: It Takes Passion to be Successful
- Karen Putz from A Deaf Mom Shares Her World – SOBCon08 – An Amazing Weekend
- Karen Putz from A Deaf Mom Shares Her World – SOBCon08 – What’s the Deal with those Klondike Bars?
- Sheila Scarborough from The Perceptive Travel Blog – Lou Malnati’s: going local for Chicago-style deep dish pizza
- Debra Moorhead – TCB
- Naomi Dunford from IttyBiz – What REALLY Went Down at SOBCon08
So what’s the marketing secret I mentioned above? Any idea?
And for SOBConers and non-SOBConers alike, just one question: what’s one tool you’ve most recently started using that’s changed the way you use your blog or social media? How has it affected your marketing and your business?
Thanks for a great round up. Much appreciated.
One tool that’s made a difference? Twitter. For conversation, connection, learning, finding new resources, spreading the word, keeping my blog focused, sharing other ideas in a more fluid stream.
Hey D – still working on my contribution…
One tool? Well, I’m looking into Twitter (would love to hear how you’re doing all that, Joanna!), and I’m playing with Tumblr more (to be made public soon).
But the main thing I’m trying out is Spaces on my Mac – sitting next to Chris Cree, and seeing him flip back and forth, it looked like a fantastic complement to Exposé.
That’s quite a collection of “aftermath” posts. Just goes to show that the impact of SOBCon is far greater than its size. It was a pleasure to meet you, Dawud.
Well, first of all thanks for the round up you got there – that was pretty cool. BTW my name is spelled Stephen, not Steven. Just a preference. 🙂
The secret? I think while the content was excellent and I did write what I learned from each speaker, it was all about building relationships that got the most buzz. Why? Because the universe brought together and amazing group of people that could not have been better matched the way we were at SOBCon08.
I mean consider this – I made at least 3 “best friends” – that’s more than I’ve made in a whole lifetime! Literally. That says a lot about the composition and make-up of the crowd being pulled together.
Don’t get me wrong – the content was FABULOUS. But for me, I got my money’s worth just from the personal connections I made. That made all the difference for me.
Yeah, I’m really digging Twitter too. That reminds me, I’m opening Twitter right now.
Great to meet you too.
I was pretty blown away when I started cataloging all these links. Truthfully, it became much larger a project than I expected.
I use Spaces, Exposé and Widgets on my Mac so much that I can’t remember life without them.
Been playing with Tumblr too. Still finding the best way for me to use it.
Love that you compiled ALL these in one post.
In recent months a group of fellow green bloggers and I have been stumbling each others posts. At first it was a gesture – hey lets see what it does to our analytics but now we are really reading and savoring each other’s work, and now strategizing on ways we can do more.
Nice list of links, Dawud.
Fav tool? Probably Twitter. Finally feel like I’m hitting my stride with it.
I still haven’t embraced Flickr but its next on the list.
Dawud, I’m using Twitter more and more. and trying to find the balance between addicted and a tool…but I’ve made terrific connections.
SOBCon was great.
The link to my live audio podcast is on my name above.
I hear you. The connections were a lot of the event. I was great, for instance, meeting you in person.
Right on. Did you see Remarkablogger’s suggestion for creating a pack to gain traffic?
J. Erik,
I’m not on Flickr yet either. Not sure if I will be. We’ll see. And I’m digging Twitter these days.
Nice. Thanks for linking to your live podcast. I’ve been using Twitter more and more. Interesting how it’s working.
I hear writing content is so important. Statements such as “content is king” seem to mean that proviidng value to your visitors is of importance.
I wish I had been around for this conference. Some of those links have great insight and others are just fun. It’s really interesting to see how this medium is evolving.