I’ve been set on coming ever since I left Chicago last May. The event in 2007 was great. Lots of great people. Lots of great information. And, of course, lots of of great conversation. But what would I expect from an event that was partially the brainchild of Liz Strauss, Miss Conversation herself (now, that’s my opinion and she would probably deny it even though it’s the truth)?
That’s why I was so excited last fall when Liz and Terry Starbucker started planning for SOBCon08. This year’s theme – Biz School for Blogging. Notice the title closely. It’s not blogging for businesses. Rather, it’s business school for blogging. In other words, bringing sound business principles into the blogosphere.
This year’s speakers are top-notch. And I can’t wait to see the presentation format – which centers around masterminding. The plan is to bring what’s talked about into a working model to actually use in your business. As I said, pretty sweet, huh?
Check out who’s beginning the conversations:
- Chris Brogan
- Anita Bruzzese
- Dave Bullock
- Brian Clark
- Chris Garrett
- Wendy Piersall
- Terry Starbucker
- Liz Strauss
- Lorelle VanFossen
And, of course, the sweet sounds of Christine Kane.
And, like last year, this year’s event isn’t about the speakers. Rather, it’s about all the people who are there – speakers, attendees, organizers, sponsors – everyone. As we saw last year, everyone had something valuable to add to the conversations during the sessions.
Below is a list of everyone else I could find who’s going to be there. Small, simple, people-focused event. Find some of these folks on Twitter. The rest, just link with below.
- Cliff Atkinson
- Shashi Bellamkonda
- Harry Brooks
- Mark Carter
- Tom Clifford
- Valerie Combs
- Chris Cree
- Lisa Cree
- Thomas Croghan
- Donna Cutting
- David Dalka
- Kevin Dixie
- Tim Draayer
- Andrew Dubber
- Monica Duncan
- Easton Ellsworth
- Kevin Ferrasci O'Malley
- Jonathan Fields
- Sarah Filipiak
- Mary-Lynn Foster
- Annie Galvin Teich
- Brian Gardner
- Jon Gatrell
- Phil Gerbyshak
- Jared Goralnick
- Karen Hanrahan
- Joseph Hauckes
- Vicky Hennegan
- Scot Herrick
- John Hong
- Stephen Hopson
- Robert Hruzek
- Timothy Johnson
- Sara
- Pete Jones
- Todd Jordan
- Bob Kakoliris
- Adam Kayce
- Kristen King
- Jen Knoedl
- Stephen Koernig
- Bryan Kress
- George Krueger
- Amy L
- Tammy Lenski
- James G. Lindberg
- Eli Litscher
- Rick Mahn
- Sim Margolis
- Michael Martine
- Becky McCray
- Maria Meadows
- Cory Miller
- Ann Michael
- Dawud Miracle
- Debra Moorhead
- Matthew Murphy
- Paul O'Flaherty
- Tim Padar
- Jesse Petersen
- Melissa Pierce
- Sandra Ponce de Leon
- J. Erik Potter
- Karen Putz
- Susan R Quandt
- Levy Rivers
- Barbara Rozgonyi
- Jeff Sable
- Sheila Scarborough
- Mary Schmidt
- Derek Semmler
- Maria Sharon
- David Sherbow
- Steve Sherlock
- Brad Shorr
- Louise Silberman
- Sonia Simone-Rossney
- Julien Smith
- Stephen Smith
- Michael Snell
- Derrick Sorles
- Jon Swanson
- Ruth M Sylte
- Windsor Tanner
- Michelle Vandepas
- Colleen Wainwright
- Denise Wakeman
- James D. Walton
- Randy Windsor
- Joanna Young
So are you coming? If so, say, “Hi” in the comment box. And definitely look for me this weekend.
And if you’re not on the list, you’ve gotta ask yourself why – especially if you have a business – blogging or otherwise. Get here. Meet some great people and join some amazing conversations that will help you focus your business online.
What do you have to say?
i hope i can get some time off to make it to that… ive never been before but i always hear good things about it!
Hi, Dawud! I’ll be looking for you this weekend. Do you still look like the photo in your header?
Sounds like a very interesting event, full of knowledgeable and experienced bloggers! I wouldn’t mind attending myself… but I’ll have to wait and consider next year’s event. I will be checking back soon to hear your thoughts on it and hopefully you’ll have some helpful hints and tips for us that you picked up!
Looking forward to meeting you too! I agree, I love the theme and the concept.
@wiredprworks on twitter
I will be looking for you!
Wow! That’s a lot of HTML to show off that great list. Very nice of you to collect it. Can’t wait to meet you in person. : )
Now that I know that YOU’RE going to be there. I guess I’m going to have to show up too!
Isn’t the list amazing?!! I think we’re going to be on the inside of an incredible happening. It will be even more important than last year.
I can’t wait to see you to have more conversation!!
Wow!! I wonder if I can make that trip and more importantly if my company would pay for it! 🙂
I’ll have to check it out!
Looking forward to meeting you there! I left some thougths on your blog in my most recent post, as well 🙂
As much as I try to think differently, my heart was so excited after I signed up, I know that blogging is part of my Divine Purpose…:)
twitter… DivinePurposeMV
See you soon Dawud.
Thanks for the link.
Thanks for the link Dawud, see you soon!
Hey there Dawud, I sure will be looking for you at SOBCon08! Thank you for the link as well. See you there.
I just need a Dawud hug. That’s really it. Then I’ll be good to go for another year or so. 🙂
See ya tomorrow man.
Regret shan’t be able to make it. Wish the program and all of you a great time though. Look forward to a detailed post on your return.
Wish I could be there. Looks like there are some nice speakers.
I’ll be there and look forward to meeting you in person,
Blog on!
Dawud, I will be attending and am looking forward to the opportunity of meeting you as well as so many other people.
I’ll be at the FuelMyBlog meetup tonight as well if you plan on being there.
You have a very interesting twist on the education and training that bloggers are probably missing. I look forward to attending and meeting you there. Quite a list of speakers!
I’ll be there with bells on my shoes!
Wow, what an event. Looking forward to it! Thanks =)
I really wish I could go out there. We spend a lot of our energy blogging (as you can tell by taking a look at our massive blog). We write really good articles with good content, and it has paid off beyond our wildest dreams. Industry professionals in our niche market read our blog daily.
My main problem is that I really want to take the blog to the next level, but I’m not sure where to start.
Dear Trade Show: The main thing we’ve learned at SOBCon08 is the same thing Dawud is so great at.. making relationships with people.. not with companies. Come out from behind your TRADE SHOW name and tell us who you really are! Start building a connection with us.
Hey Dawud,
I was going to wait for the recap post, but I had too much fun *wink, wink, nod, nod* at the conference. Just wanted to say how good it was to see you and everyone else again AND all the new friends I have now are amazing.
This Blogging thing only gets better, and better and I think SOBCon has a lot to do with it!
Talk to ya soon.
Wow! Wish we have something like this when I return to Manila from Israel. So I can really do well on my blogging endeavors.
Well this is really what exactly every business bloggers keep in mind. Getting more data and connecting more people who are in the business. I m not too far to look up the event very soon.
i wish we had such an event in my area! that would be very beneficial and informative! let me know how it goes!
Sounds like a great event. thanks for the post. If only I had the time, I’d be there… 😉
Although I can’t attend this myself. There isn’t a single blogger out there that should miss it if they have any possibility to attend.
I am planning to be registered early for next year.
Thanks for the link Dawud, I wish i could be there.
That looks really exciting!!
I’ve got a lot to learn about blogging still.
i hope i can get some time off to make it to that… ive never been before but i always hear good things about it!
I wanna meet you in the next event…. I am hearing useful theme like this after a long long period… I wont miss next event….
I was so excited when i saw your post, It’s been four years now since this was made, I was asking where am I? How come i missed this kind of events.. A business school for bloggers is such a great way to learn the proper on blogging. Now everyone must understand that now a days web marketing has became the best marketing strategy. Blogging is one of the ways to do it, that’s why things like this are so significant.