I’m still thinking about the study I posted the other day about email responses. I’m pretty moved with the idea that most customers/clients want less than 24 hour responses to email and most businesses are averaging 72 hours.
I know that I sometimes respond to my clients quickly and sometimes not. My clients are always impressed when they email me and I reply in minutes. And I know that whenever I have my momentary lapses in email – sometimes a couple of days while I’m heavily working on site development, my clients are less happy – and maybe, at times, feel unheard.
So, I’m going to make a commitment to replying to email on a more regular basis. Instead of checking my inbox twice per day (once in the morning, once in the later afternoon), I’m going to check it every two hours and set aside 10 minutes each time to respond to messages. Let’s see how that changes my client service.
I think you should hire an assistant for that, if she/he will able to answer inquiries. It is better if you can respond as soon as possible, like me.. when I got some inquiries and I am really in need– I don’t feel good receiving response late than 24 hrs.