Do you find it hard to write sometimes? You sit there at the keyboard and just can’t get the words to come out. Or maybe you’re like me, you begin a post, then delete it. Begin again, delete it. Begin again, rewrite it, then delete it. And so on.
Sure, sometimes the posts just coming flying out – like this one. But sometimes it’s a struggle to get anything down at all.
It’s probably true that anyone who writes deals with writer’s block from time to time. But what do you do when it comes knocking on your door? Or worse, when it makes itself at home, follows you to your office and sits on your lap all day?
Well, Bestseller Interviews has put together The Ultimate Guide to Conquering Writer’s Block. And they should know. Bestseller Interviews covers “Best Selling Authors and How to Write Best Selling Books.” So if anyone would know how to deal with writer’s block, they should.
Here’s the resources they’ve put together:
- Hack Your Way Out Of Writer's Block – Includes My Personal Favorite: Talk to a Monkey
- Creativity on Speed – Don't Give Yourself Time to Think
- Breaking through Writers Block- Interesting and Humorous Take by John Warner
- 7 Rules for Maximizing Your Creative Output – Enter a Creative Flow State
- Battling Bloggers Block– Advice from One of the Most Prolific Writers on the Web
- 101 Ways to Brew up a Great Idea – Fantastic List. Once You Have an Idea, the Rest Is Easy
- Why Dave Barry and Liz Don't Get Writer's Block – Good Writing Is Almost Always Hard
- Introducing the A*I*D*A Formula for Blogging – Use a Formula to Guide Your Writing
- Breaking a Writing Block – What Writer's Block Really Means and What to Do about It
- Real Creativity – Creativity is more than ideas. It's hard work. (From Seth Godin)
- Hacks for Writing: Starting – Are You Afraid of Writing Crap?
- Why You Should Always Write Your Headline First – Start with a Great Headline
- Writing Prompts to Awaken the Muse – Get Started with a Writing Prompt
- Overcoming Writer's Block – Very Insightful List of Techniques from a Truly Creative Person
- Show up – 80% of Conquering Writer's Block Is Sitting down to Do It
- How to Survive Creative Burnout – What to Do When It's Worse Than Writer's Block
I’ve read most of these. There’s some great stuff here. Thanks to Bestseller Interviews for compiling this list. If you’re a writer, I highly recommend checking out their site.
How do you handle writer’s block?
Very useful list!
Usually when I am blocked I just give up on writing for half an hour and go do something else.
I hear you. I’ve handled it that way too. Often it actually helps. Especially if I get outside for a few minutes. But most of the time I just bang at the keyboard and force my way through it. There are certainly much better strategies here.
Artist’s Way — Julia Cameron. I listen to her CD’s over and over. Usually 4 minutes and I can’t wait to start writing again. It’s magic!
Hi Dawud!
Great post. Thanks for the link love. What a lovely and intelligent blog you have.
Thanks. I’m working hard, making little tweaks to my approach as I understand more. Baby steps, right? I’m sure I’ll see you around.
Great list of resources, here…
My prescription for writer’s block is a dog leash (hopefully with dog attached) and a pair of sneakers (on your feet). Nothing like getting out for a walk and a little perspective.
Ann Handley
Thanks. Really good idea. I find that when I’m stuck on a larger writing project, often getting out for a good, strenous hike will clear the cobwebs. Nothing like exercise and fresh air.