Well, now that I’ve bared a bit of my soul for you all to see, I’m not sure where to go next.
When I wrote the post on Friday about my ‘Gotta Get Goals,’ I didn’t realize it would have such an effect. Not only on you, by your comments – which I thank you for, but on me as well. Over the weekend and into today I’m a little foggy on how I want to proceed.
I’ll certainly continue blogging about small business development, marketing, using the web, blogging, etc. And, it feels right to begin doing so with even more of my own, unique perspective.
When I work with clients, it’s never just about business building. It’s much more. Often I share with my clients how to bring themselves more forward in their business. Not just ‘own,’ but how to bring more of their own, authentic selves forward in caring for their clients and customers.
This doesn’t mean getting all touchy-feely with your clients, not at all. It does mean moving with your clients and customers from, as Liz Strauss talks about, your fully-expressed self.
Moving is the key word because as a good service providers I actively move with my clients through their process. Not in a co-dependent way. No. Rather in a way of coaching, consulting and educating in which I’m interested in my client’s success.
Hence, I’m not just selling them a product or a service. Instead I’m taking a position the position of mutual benefit – they win, I win. Not, they pay – I win, they may win if they get it. I help them get it so they can win too.
So stick around. Looks like another set of changes coming. But that’s one thing I can say, I rarely stand still.
Do you have one blog post that you feel has made a difference to how you blog or do business? Please share it with all of us.
And remember, I’ve removed the nofollow in comments so all commenters now get link love.
Well said, Dawud,
You’re on your way. And what a marvelous, wonderous journey I can see it will be. 🙂
Thanks. I feel like I’m on my way. Now just a little time to let things integrate. More to come…
How long a list would you like from me? 😉
Latest post that significantly changed something to me/for me:
Marcus Goodyear this Sunday
Karin H.,
Nice post. I enjoyed reading. Thank you.
What else do you have up your sleeve?
My sleeve? At the moment labelling and stamping 125 little wood sticks, printing (if my printer behaves!) 125 envelopes and invites to Architects, Designers, Developers and Self-Builders to our stand at an B-2B exhibition later this month.
i.e. busy!
Karin H.,
That’s good. I’ve been grinding away on a new blog my client and I are hoping to get up tomorrow or Thursday. Plus I have a whole group of work piling up so I know about being busy…
Talk to you soon.
Hi Dawud
(customers keep interfering with my ‘work’ today , so hardly any thing done yet).
Your post and Stuart’s latest post have given me an idea for another post myself (have written some notes already, have to find time to put it all together now ;-)) on how blog post can/has changed your business.
Thank you for putting the idea in my (tired) head
Karin H.,
Can’t wait to see it. Let me know when you post it. Makes me think I should write my first series…