People ask me all the time how do I grow my business?
The answer is always quite simple, really. So simple that it can be answered in one word – change.
Albert Einstein defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.“
Yet how many of us can say that we’re not doing something insane with our business? How many of us keep trying the same things again and again hoping that somehow the results will be different than before?
Well, the only way to different results is to do things differently than before. If you want to grow your business, you have to introduce something new into it. You have to do something, even ever so slightly, different. In other words, you have to change.
My dear friend David Bullock gets this. Not only does he get it, he’s an expert at finding what you can change in your business to give you better results.
Below is a short video (1:20) of David talking about how to take your business to the next level. Here’s an excerpt:
“So if you’re in your business and it’s not working for you, guess what! You have to step back from it and look at it from a very different level to get it to work. If you don’t do that your business just kind of sits where it is.”
David continues: “Going to the next level really means you really have to do something differently, but not different. So you may have everything that you need right now to make your business do exactly what you want it to do. But it’s a matter of you packaging and repackaging what you already have; putting a different a different value on it for it to go to the next level.”
So if you look at your business, what changes, even little ones, can you make right now that will affect your bottom line? What can you do differently right now? And how would you see your results changing?
Let’s talk about it.
(note: image from red betty black on Flickr)
Totally agree. Most people just keep doing more of the same thing which might get you a small increase but won’t make a big change happen. Up until now my main strategy for business was attending networking events. This has been very successful for me but I know that I need to add another layer to see a big jump. For me that is sending out a targeted case study, I’ll let you know how it goes!
I happens most of the time in my blog. The nice way to make an improvement is to see the business from different point of views. Ask others about how they feel, and this is what I’m going to do next.
Thanks, you gave me an interesting idea.
The process is – Idea – commence business-experiment to get the right mix- stabilize and after that – innovate – innovate and never stop innovating. This is what kai zen is all about and the reason why Japan is so successful. It is doing things differently, as well as doing different things, adding new products, discarding some products and or processes and so on and so forth. If you do not, you will first hit a plateau and subsequently roll down the slope.
“Change” can lead to good side, as well as bad side.
Stumbled. Have a great day
See, I think my biggest problem is procrastination. I think that’s the main thing holding me back, so until I can “change” that lol… yeah…
But good post, Stumbled!
Please do. I’d love to hear how it goes.
What’s been the most effective part of networking in growing your business?
Certainly. What small change have your recently made to your blog that gave you an unexpected boost?
Great points. Do you think the promise of long-term, residual income gets in the way, in many instances, for web-based business owners continuing to innovate?
Can you elaborate?
Thanks. Anything to add to the conversation?
I couldn’t agree more! You’ll never know what you can do unless you try. And most of the time that requires a change. If it doesn’t work, change again!
Jay said:
“See, I think my biggest problem is procrastination. I think that’s the main thing holding me back, so until I can “change” that lol… yeah…”
Ditto. I’ll get to that later though – it’s on my list 😉
Working for a major company, making even little changes can be difficult to do. But making small changes (whether it’s in the process of things, or a product, etc.) can be a huge benefit to any company.
Great post, stumbled.
Go get “sane” and bring our business to the next level, we definitely would need to improve our existing websites – rather than just focusing on our product. It’s hard to do it all, but it has to be done.
Couldn’t agree more! Stumbled it and added a few thoughts on my own blog.
As I state there, this is rampant problem in businesses of all sizes.
People want to make things better but are afraid to risk breaking what is already working.
And keep changing – even when you get it right.
Have you ever considered looking at ‘why’ you procrastinate? Usually there’s something inside us that keeps us in that perpetual ‘stuckness.’
Yeah, I love being the sole decision maker in my business. Well, that’s not totally true because my audience is really the one that make the decisions – I just have to listen…ooh, sounds like a great post, huh?
Thanks Dawud.
I never go back and listen to any of my talks. This snippet really got me thinking about what I can do “differently” for my business and life without disrupting the whole apple cart. Too many times we try to change everything when a few minor adjustments in thinking would do the trick. Thanks for letting me know that this “moment of clarity” was out there. I don’t have them often so to have one of them taped is a blessing.
– David B.
Some great info and things to ponder.
I think it is about continuing to do what works, dropping what doesn’t and trying out new ideas
I should imagine that it does. The problem very often, is an inability to look beyond the immediate present. This is particularly so when one has stabilized somewhat in the business and there is regular cash flow and a customer base. At this point, mind you, my experience has been in non web based businesses, the mind set of “why fix it if it aint broke” sets in, preventing innovation of any kind. That is also the time when the entrepreneur thinks that he knows everything there is to know about the business, the product/service and the
customers and he gets set in his way of thinking. By the time alarm bells go off with competition doing something better, it is very often too late.
That’s a great point. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve seen think they need to tear up their lawn when they merely need to weed and fertilize a bit. Why do you think that is?
What’s something you’re going to ponder on?
Funny, I’ve always thought that sometimes you need to break it to find out what needs to be fixed. Not that you want to tear your business down. More that you should always be in an evaluation mode. With my clients, once we have some stability and focus, then we look at how to refine it.
Break it now before your prospects do!
I recently changed my domain from a to a real domain name and have heavily promoted it online. After that I’m getting regular and returning visits.
I created a nice “about me” and “What is RSS” page. I’m encouraging comments and asking them to leave their links so I could check it out.
Started to write longer articles which are helping me to make a visitor last longer. Bounce rate has decreased and pages per visit has been improved.
I think that people are always looking to create something new or do something different.
By nature, we get bored with our lives and the things in it. By understanding “doing it differently” and not “making everything different” we can adjust our thinking to see possibilities that are right under our nose.
Great advice… this is the essence of any creative pursuit (and taking you business to the next level involves as much creativity as any work of art, music, literature, etc.)
Is it the website or is there something else you could be doing different to increase your business?
Nice. Now, what’s the next step to growing your blog? Maybe more important, what are you planning to do with these new traffic levels?
Are there any resources you’d recommend that focus on doing it differently rather than making everything different?
I think you’re right. But how could a business owner find success if they’re afraid to change?
…and it’s absolutely necessary in creating a successful business. One thing I try hard to pass on to my clients is that their business is never finished. It will forever be – and should be – a work in progress.
cut out the noise! if it’s not important, but only seems like it is, cut it out.
if you think you’ve made a mistake, you can always turn the noise back on. it’s almost a guarantee that you won’t, however.
if you listen to the sound with a logical voice, the noise will be revealed for what it is: a waste of your time.
I agree also with your ideas. Change is better than to rest! Experimentation is also one of the best thing that you can do and try to see whether it brings back good to you and if not then try to change your strategies especially when it comes to business. Thanks for sharing this very useful article. 🙂
Nice comments Martin. I really like what you said about Experimentation. That is one of a good quality of a business man.
True. I just seen how important it is to reduce rigidity and embrace flexibility in business.
How do you stay flexible?
Yes. Do you need to be reminded from time to time about this, though?
What do you do to keep yourself experimenting?
I agree with you, David. What sort of things to do you do to remind yourself that you need to evaluate your business from time to time?
how do i stay flexible? sticky notes. hehe. it sounds like a joke, but that’s part of it. organising yourself.
make a pencil and paper list of what’s important to you, and stick to that. pencil and paper. it reads better than a computer screen, and you can tick off your goals.
flexibility is often best achieved by being rigid in planning, or goal setting.
subscribe to your industry news, and no more.
make mistakes, and when someone chides you online, learn and move on. in fact, thank the person for getting you one step closer to where he/she is.
don’t do what i always fall for, over-planning. i seem to do this all the flipping time! and then, a little time passes, and i realise i have to cut back. so so so important. cut back.
monday is different from tuesday is different from wednesday etc etc. keep it that way.
Different vs. Differently…
Before I tear up the whole thing and start over again. I get old fashioned and get a pencil and paper and *write* what is working and not working. I find that as I list and think other options will emerge.
Things to tweak, refine and test.
Rebuilding is never an easy thing to do.It is much easier to change direction than to start over.
– David B.
I like your point about flexibility being achieved through planning. For years I’ve been an advocate that solid, effective and efficient business structures actually increase creativity and business flexibility. Sounds like you’ve had similar experiences?
Ever sea kayak? It’s much easier to adjust your stroke and lean a bit to change the direction you’re heading than to stop, turn and then start going again.
While both can lead you to the same place, which is more efficient?
my business has been sitting on the block. thanks for this article. i totally agree and this has gave me some hope for my business grey clouds to clear.
Thank you so much for the awesome article.This is really valuable and helpful especially to my business.
How is your business ‘sitting on the block?’
How can you utilize what’s been presented here to enhance your business?
Thanks for posting that video!
I agree with this for the most part, but sometimes you need to do something on a consistent basis before you see results. Sometimes people make changes right before they are about to see the fruits of their labor, although if something doesn’t work for a long period of time, then it’s time to drop it.
True and I agree. Still, I’ve seen that most business owners error on the side of not making change – or not making the right type of change – rather than changing too fast.
Different experience?
I really like the video. Thank’s for posting. Keep up the good work.
Great video. Change is not something to be scared of. If its not working change it, if its still not working change it again!!!
The video is great!Thanks for sharing this here, already bookmarked your site.
Great massage. I find that some businesses have an issue where their pride won’t let them change course because that would admit their first strategy was wrong. It may have been right at the time, but everything changes and a business needs to be flexible to keep up.
Change is very important if you really want to become successful in any aspect of life.
And if that change is successful, you will look back at it and call it growth.
Great.. great post. Keep it up.