How Are Your Online Relationships Different From Your Offline Relationships?

Boy do Liz and I have an interesting conversation going on about relationships. My last question to her, if you recall, was how has your blog changed the way you think about relationships? She titled her response: I Knew Everything about Relationships Until an Audience Came. You've gotta take a … Read more about How Are Your Online Relationships Different From Your Offline Relationships?

What To Do When People Aren't Paying Attention To Your Blog

Don't you want your blog to be noticed? Sure, we each blog for different reasons. Some of us want to express our views or write about something we love. Others of us want make a buck or promote our business. And some just want to share their lives with others. Regardless of why you're blogging, … Read more about What To Do When People Aren't Paying Attention To Your Blog

Are You Having A Conversation With Your Niche Audience?

You'd think the latest question Liz asked me would be simple to answer. And on the surface it is. Yet, I've needed an extra day to think about where to take this one2one conversation next. When you go around the Internet, what mistake do you see most often? That's her question. Think about it for a … Read more about Are You Having A Conversation With Your Niche Audience?

The Part of My Business I Look Forward To Doing More Of…

Continuing our one2one conversation, Liz Strauss asked me (and you): What's the the part of business, besides relationships, that you look forward to doing more of? Okay, so here's how I read your question..."what other part of business, besides building relationships." I hope this is what you … Read more about The Part of My Business I Look Forward To Doing More Of…